Our High School Athletics Program is an official member of CIF's International League
NCA Offers:
High School Boys Basketball
High School Boys Volleyball
High School Boys Soccer
High School Girls Volleyball
Boys and Girls Cross Country
NEW FOR 2024-2025:
High School Girls Basketball


Led by Coach Johnston, the boys basketball team had a fun season with a bit more of a learning curve. With an overall new group, and a new coach, the boys overcame many obstacles and learned how to work as a team, and each game showed how much they improved.


With a new coach coming in after the season already started, you would think this group of girls wouldn't have a chance. Coach Johnston was able to turn this team around and lead them to a first round playoffs run. The improvement shown on this girls team was an incredible sight to see.

Much like basketball, the boys had a big learning curve going into the volleyball season. A new lineup along with a new coach, they were still able to improve each game and put out a great showing every time they stepped on the court.


Pastor Ted may be the lead Pastor at NCA, but that's far from all. He led this boys soccer team to an amazing season full of some great moments each time they played. Overcoming odds and having fun while they did it, with boys soccer at NCA, there's never a dull moment.